About Us

Tayyebi Dawakhana Unani
"We Proudly Received Silver Medal For Tooth Powder At Indian Industries Fair, Bombay 1938."
For over 200 years THE TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA UNANI has borne the mark of distinction in carrying, uninterruptedly the cherished healing tradition of Unani (Greco-Arab) medicine. At the turn of the 19th century THE TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA UNANI was established at INDORE and later on it came under the guidance and patronage of Hakim Mohammed Azam Khan, himself a renowned physician of the sub- continent and author of several important books on Unani medicine.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

The Unani system of medicine originated from the Greek and Arab system. The fundamental theory of the Unani system depends on the human body’s four humors: Blood, Phlegm, Black bile, and Yellow bile.
As long as these humours are restored normally, the human body and its systems work properly. Any imbalance or abnormality in these humours, results in diseases.
So the Hakims (Unani Physicians) use various Unani preparations (Majuns, Khamiras, Itrifalat, Sharbat, Arqiyat, etc..) to try to restore normally these four humors.

Certified Products
The Tayyebi Dawakhana Unani Pvt. Ltd. Indore.
We Deal In Quality Products

THE TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA UNANI has continued to play a vital role in producing a vast range of unani medicines of high standard based on the Greco- Arab system of medicine under authentic supervision. A large number of patients also receive medical attention from qualified Hakim every day. Eminent people in the field of medicine have paid tribute to the pioneering work of TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA.
In the past, pre-eminent people such as the late Masih-ul-Mulk Hakim Hafiz Mohammed Ajmal Khan and Lt. Colonel Jasper Robert Jaletral (the then Inspector General of hospitals in the Holkar State) and late Sir S.M. Bapna (the then Prime Minister in the Hlokar State) spoke highly about the work accomplished by the TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA. Year by year the TAYYEBI DAWAKHANA is moving forward with the standard of its medicines and service to the suffering humanity.