Unani System of Medicines

Unani system of Medicine or Unanipathy originated long back in Greece. It has its origin in the 4-5th century before Christ under the patronage of Hippocrates (377-460 BC) and Galen. Although the Unani System originated in Greece & passed through many countries, Arabs enriched it with their own aptitude and experience. Among them Abu Sina, an Arab philosopher and Physicist who wrote ‘Kitab-al-shifa’ or ‘Avicenna’ was noteworthy. This system earlier known as ‘Galenic’, later became Unani (Arabic name for Greek) system of medicine. The system was brought to India during the Medieval period. Due to its mass acceptance and continuous use by the people, in course of time, it has become native to India and is in great demand.

This system has a long and impressive record in India. It was introduced in India around the 10th century A.D. with the spread of Islamic civilization. Now Unanipathy has become a part of the Indian system of Medicine and India is one of the leading countries in its practice.

According to the Unani system, disease is a natural process and symptoms are the body’s reactions to the disease. It believes in the humoral theory which presupposes the presence of 4 humors -Dam (blood), Balgham (phlegm), Safra (Yellow bile), and Sauda (black bile) in the body.
Each humor has its temperament – blood is hot and moist, phlegm cold and wet, yellow bile hot and dry, black bile cold and dry. A state of equilibrium amongst all 4 humors is the fundamental characteristic for maintaining sound health. Any disturbance in their equilibrium brings about a change in the Status of health of the human body.
The diagnosis of diseases in the Unani system of medicine is through examination of pulse, urine, and stool. This system observes the influence of surroundings and ecological conditions such as air, food, drinks, body movement and repose, psychic movement and repose, sleep and wakefulness, and excretion and retention on the state of health. This influence causes the dominance of one of the four humors in every human body. Unani believes that this dominance gives a man his individual habit and complexion, i.e., his temperament.
In short, Unanipathy aims at maintaining proper health by conserving symmetry in the different spheres of a man’s life.

Treatment in Unani system comprises mainly of regimental therapy, diet therapy and pharmacotherapy. Regimental therapy is mainly drugless and includes exercise, cupping , massage, hamam, purging, emesis, leeching etc. Diet therapy is based on regulation of quality and quantity of food and administration of specific diets in certain diseases. Pharmacotherapy deals with naturally occurring drugs of plant or animal origin. The drugs in raw form are treated and turned into compound formulations for administration.
A mixture of all these therapies is put into application to cure, prevent and promote good health.
Unanipathy has shown remarkable results in curing diseases like Arthritis, Leucoderma, Jaundice, Bronchial Asthma, Filariasis and several other acute and chronic diseases where other systems do not give the desired level of positive response. The Unani system is a secular system in character and is popular among the masses.
Unani medicines provide a holistic approach i.e. apart from curing the ailment they also help in developing an all round good health. They aim at developing a strong immune system. Thus this type of healing goes beyond the treatment of the physical body of an individual and cures Body, Mind and Soul together, to achieve Harmony in life.